Local Resources
Below are some of the local resources available to seniors and people living with disabilities at Orcas Senior Center, on Orcas Island, and regionally.
If you are unsure of the resources you or you loved one needs, begin by contacting Steven Ziegler or Heidi Bruce with San Juan County Senior Services.
Resources @ Orcas Senior Center
Orcas Senior Center’s Companion Services program, which includes both Hearts and Hands and Buddy Check-In, matches caring volunteers with elderly and disabled adult members of the community for companionship and practical assistance.
To find out more, go here or contact the Companion Services Coordinator at (206) 413-6156 or companions@orcasseniors.org.
Orcas Senior Center’s Home Maintenance & Repair connects seniors and adults with disabilities with licensed, bonded, and insured contractors to perform maintenance and repair work, allowing them to age safely in their homes.
To find out more, go here or contact Travis King, Home Maintenance & Repair Coordinator, at (360) 643-4419 or homerepair@orcasseniors.org.
Local Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) volunteer counselors, assist with Medicare enrollment, choosing secondary plans, and affordable healthcare. Counseling is free of charge.
Call (360) 376-5892 or email orcasshiba@yahoo.com for more information or to schedule a counseling appointment.
Orcas Senior Center partners with Whatcom Council on Aging and San Juan County Senior Services to bring healthy meals to Orcas seniors and people living with disabilities on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Both home delivered meals and onsite senior lunches are available for those in need.
If you are interested in signing up for home delivered meals, contact Steven Ziegler, San Juan County Senior Services Specialist, at (360) 370-7525 or stevenz@sanjuanco.com.
Footcare with a Heart nurse, Erica Bee, LPN, CFCS, M.Ed provides foot care services at Orcas Senior Center for adults suffering from foot disorders that lead to pain, reduced mobility, independence, and quality of life.
Call (360) 622-8234 or (360) 622-2117 for more information or to schedule a foot care appointment.
San Juan County Senior Service staff are dedicated to helping seniors remain independent and in their own homes for as long as possible. Some of the supportive services they provide include case coordination, community and home delivered meals, family caregiver support, and transportation assistance.
To reach Steven Ziegler, Orcas Senior Services Specialist, call (360) 370-7525 or email stevenz@sanjuancountywa.gov.
To reach Heidi Bruce, Orcas Aging and Family Case Coordinator, call (360) 370-0591 or email heidib@sanjuancountywa.gov.
The Orcas Island Lions Club Mobility Assistance Program loans quality used mobility equipment for people of all ages free of cost or by donation at Orcas Senior Center on Mondays & Wednesdays from 10am to 11am, and Fridays from 10am to noon.
In addition, the Orcas Island Lions Club provides basic hearing assistance, eye examination and appropriate corrective eyewear assistance with their Sight and Hearing Programs.
Visit their website at orcaslions.org or call the Orcas Senior Center front desk at (360) 376-2677.
Island Rides provides rides and deliveries for essential services 7 days a week from 10 am and 3 pm on Orcas Island.
IslandRides also provides transporation for off-island medical appointments for those in need.
Call (360) 672-2201 for more information or to book a ride.
The Orcas Island Lions Club Partners in Care program offers family caregiver assistance every Monday at Orcas Senior Center from 12:00 to 3:00pm. Trained volunteers and a professional caregiver provide compassionate supervision along with engaging creative activities. For more information, contact Susan Gordon Bentley at sgordonbentley@gmail.com or 310-384-2053.
Visit the the Orcas Island Lions Club website at orcaslions.org.
Stacey Nordrum, Au.D., CCC-A from Island Hearing Healthcare offers hearing tests, consultations, hearing aid programming, and other hearing aid services at Orcas Senior Center on the first Thursday of every month. Consultation, cleaning, and checks of hearing aids will be offered free of charge.
Call (360) 378-2330 or email islandhearing@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.
To learn more about Island Hearing Healthcare, visit the website at islandhearing.net.
Assured Imaging brings their mobile mammogram van to Orcas Senior Center once a year for digital mammogram screening. All major insurances are acceptad and no referral is needed.
Call (888) 233-6121 or visit www.assuredimaging.com for more information.
Life Line Screening offers screening packages at Orcas Senior Center once a year. Packages include screenings of Carotid Artery Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Abdominal Aoritic Aneurysm, and Atrial Fibrillation. Other screenings available depending on screening package.
Call (866) 895-3370 or visit www.lifelinescreening.com for more information.
Resources on Orcas Island
Island Rides provides transportation to seniors, persons with disabilities, and people in need. They offer free or low-cost transportation service to islanders who do not drive.
Visit their website at islandrides.org or call (360) 672-2201.
The Orcas Community Resource Center bridges the gap for a wide range of services for all ages on Orcas Island.
Visit their website at orcascrc.org, call (360) 376-3191, or email info@orcascrc.org for more information.
Hospice of the Northwest is a nationally recognized hospice and palliative care team providing high-quality support and comfort, honoring each individual’s life journey in Skagit and San Juan Counties.
Visit their website at hospicenw.org, call (360) 814-5550, or email hospice_info@hospicenw.org.
To read more about our transportation program, go here.
Orcas Caregiving Connection provides a directory of local caregivers and information resources for care seekers, caregivers, as well as individuals who would like to become caregivers. This site can help connect Orcas Islanders who have caregiving needs with local Orcas caregivers.
Visit their website at orcascaregivingconnection.org.
Orcas Door to Door is designed to meet the needs of non-driving, homebound older adults and adults with disabilities on Orcas Island. The program is available to qualified riders who need door-to-door assistance to access essential services and social events in order to remain healthy and active within our community.
Call (360) 622-2929 for more information or visit their website at orcasdoortodoor.org.
Orcas Loving Care is an adult family home specializing in dementia care on Orcas Island.
Find out more at orcaslovingcare.com or contact them at (360) 317-4575, (360) 376-2463, or contactus@orcaslovingcare.com.
The OPAL Community Land Trust mission is to help sustain Orcas Island as a healthy, economically diverse community by providing permanently affordable homes and support for islanders – families, seniors, and singles – whose house needs are not met by the traditional market.
Visit their website at opalclt.org, call (360) 376-3184, or email info@orast.org.
Orcas Island Food Bank maintains a food bank for those in need. Their mission is to work with our community to prevent hunger.
To learn more, visit their website at orcasislandfoodbank.org, call (360) 376-4445, or email orcasislandfoodbank@centurylink.net.
Call (360) 376-5892 or email orcasshiba@yahoo.com for more information or to schedule a counseling appointment.
Safe San Juans provides domestic violence and sexual assault services for survivors and loved ones including support groups, crisis intervention and counseling, advocacy services, legal advocacy, and safety planning.
To find out more visit their website at safesj.org or call (360) 376-5979.
In immediate need? Call their 24-hour crisis line at (360) 376-1234.
Off-Island Regional Resouces
Mert’s Taxi offers free transportation to and from the Anacortes ferry terminal for all Island Hospital and Island Hospital affiliated appointments.
To schedule a free ride, call (360) 708-6358. To read mor about Mert’s Taxi, vist their website at mertsanacortestaxi.com
The Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center in Bellingham, a nonprofit support organization for those who experience hearing loss and their friends and family. They offer a range of services, all of which are free, from information and referrals to consultations relating to hearing, communication, technology, and system barriers.
To schedule a free appointment or consultation, contact them at (360) 647-0910 or bellingham@hsdc.org.
To read more about what the Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center offers visit their website at hsdc.org.
The The Lighthouse for the Blind provides employment, support, and training opportunities for people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities.
Their Lighthouse Low Vision Services offers an array of rehabilitation services including orientation and mobility training, activities of daily living skills training in the home, vision loss information and referral, outreach presentations, and instruction on devices and aids. Read more here.
For general inquiries, contact The Lighthouse for the Blind at (206) 322-4200 or (800) 914-7307
To read more about what the The Lighthouse for the Blind offers, visit their website at lhblind.org.
ImHurting Crisis Chat is a 24 hour, seven days a week chat service offered through Volunteers of America Western Washington. They provide online emotional support during times of crisis.
Call (800) 584-3578 or go here to chat online.