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Virtual Zoom Strength Training
May 5 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am

Pam’s Power Hour: Virtual Strength Training with Pam Evans M/W/F from 9-10am by Zoom
Pam’s Power Hour is a non-impact strength, conditioning and flexibility class that includes lots of stretching. Begin with a warmup, then move into standing exercises that incorporate weights (light, heavy or no weights) and finish with floor work focusing on legs, abs, glutes, etc.
While living in the US Virgin Islands in the 1980’s, Pam got an Aerobics certification. After realizing the benefits of strength training while aging, she obtained a Personal Training Certificate. Pam’s Power Hour has been offered on Orcas for over 20 years.
The virtual class is available via Zoom every Monday, Wednesday & Friday, from 9am to 10am. Cost is $10 per class. Current participants are age 60 to 84, but adults of all ages are welcome to attend.
For all inquiries, reach out to Pam directly at 360-317-4636 or